Today, Microsoft ended support for Windows XP and Office 2003. What do you need to know?

First of all, don’t panic.

If you or your friends, vendors, or clients still have Windows XP, it is not the end of the world.  We have been answering questions about how it affects small businesses for many months now, and I made a 3 question flowchart.

For those who wish to keep using XP, our recommendation is a monitored anti-virus and an automatic offsite backup.  We have a special right now for a Free Month of Monitored Antivirus for Liking us on Facebook

Most people will eventually have to upgrade, and that will be much easier if they have a plan for how, when, to what, etc.  If you have not prepared a plan, going to the store to get a new PC is going to be a huge headache, both now and in the long-term.  Please sit down with your IT Trusted Adviser and make a plan that works best for your small business.

We always enjoy taking 5 minutes to save someone hours of agony.  Please call or email with your questions.  I will respond to them either in person or in a future issue.

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